Sunday, November 5, 2017

Rocket Man Speech at the U.N. General Assembly

The United Nations is an institution, set of rules known and shared by a community that structures political interactions, that promotes peace by getting countries to agree on commitments. It was formed in 1945, after the Second World War. It was meant to replace the League of Nations, which failed badly due to the fact it did not include the United States and did not stop the Second World War.
There are six parts to the structure of the United Nations: General Assembly, Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, and Trusteeship Council. For this post, the focus will be the General Assembly and the speech Donald Trump gave at this year’s General Assembly. Every year, the United Nations holds a General Assembly. The General Assembly meets once a year for two weeks to resolve matters of importance. There, the members can make decisions on matters, such as maintaining peace and security, as well as the addition of new members. Each member gets one vote. For matters of importance, two third of the votes are needed. On the other hand, for all other matters, the majority wins.
In the last general assembly, President Trump addressed the assembly for the very first time. In his speech, he spoke about the deals that the United States of America had been making, where they got nothing, and he expanded on the impact of these deals. Furthermore, he stated that, if North Korea became a bigger threat to the U.S. or its allies, the U.S. will be forced to “totally destroy” North Korea. Trump proceeded to call North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un, “rocket man” to further insult his intellect and regime. The President also addressed the Iran deal, claiming it was one of the worst deals into which the U.S. ever entered, slave trade being a close second. The president pleaded the Iranian government to end its “pursuit of death.” President Trump also touched upon the Venezuelan socioeconomic crisis. Its causes are economic policy, crime, corruption, shortages, and political conflict, which all began since Hugo Chavez’ tenure. Trump called the U.N. to take action to save those who are starving and to save Venezuela’s dying institutions. In conclusion, Trump called these nations “rogue nations,” calling them embarrassments. President Trump’s speech was seen as outrageous because questions arose whether his speech was a breach of U.N. Charter, which, according to the New York Times, states that countries should “refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force” against another country. Fortunately, it was not, as he clarified that he would only “totally destroy” North Korea if it was forced to defend itself or its allies.


  1. I agree with Rita and her statement about President Trump’s outrageous speech. Trump was out of line in his first UN speech, especially with his inappropriate comment of "Rocket Man". Additionally, attacking other nations should not be his main priority. However, in a way he did keep his campaign promises by seemingly putting America first.

  2. I agree that President Trump’s speech was outrageous and would not have been surprised if his speech was a breach of U.N. Charter. In his first speech he shouldn't have attack other nations lichee did. He shouldn't have called the Iran deal one of the worst deals that the U.S. got involved with and the slave trade was a close second. I understand wanting to help Venezuela but he shouldn't have attacked the whole country well doing so are call these nations “rogue nations" and embarrassments like he did. Trump shouldn't have threaten to "totally destroy" North Korea if they became bigger or make fun of their leader by calling hum "Rocket Man". Our relationship with North Korea is already bad, there is no need to try and make it worst. His whole speech was inappropriate and he should have found something else to talk about instead of just insults toward other nations.

  3. I agree that President Donald Trump had made some very poor as well as ridiculous statements, and that a president should never make comments like this towards another world leader. President Trump should not have resulted Kim Jong Un's intelligence as well as his regime, considering it could spark further conflict. Donald Trump needs to know the appropriate time ad place to make comments like this, especially in front of the General Assembly.
