The United nations was created back in 1945 following World War Two. The United Nations was supposed to be a more effective version of the League of Nations, considering the League of Nations was extremely ineffective. This was mainly in part because of the fact that the League of Nations did not have the United States, which, for the most part, has been very close to the top of the world powers list for many years. The United nations was created as an organization that was supposed to promote worldwide peace. This was supposed to be a collective security that makes commitments to attack on aggressor states collectively. Although the United Nations was created to promote peace around the world, it has done a very poor job. There are many problems within the United Nations that prevent it from better doing its job. These problems are very big criticisms that many have about the United Nations.
One big problem with the United Nations is the outdated structure. For many, many years now, the United Nations has had the same countries in power for the most part, these countries being the United States, China, Britain, Russia and France. These countries hold permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council, showing that they contain more power than the other countries within the United Nations. This council ultimately does not represent the views of the other countries around the world, considering the other countries can only rotate in every two years. It is then difficult, if the United Nations were to change the Security Council, to decide what countries qualify or deserve permanent seats in the Security Council.
Another big problem with the United Nations is that it is constantly asks its members to contribute soldiers to be used at peacekeeping missions around the world. The number of peacekeepers has risen dramatically since after the Cold War, and seems to still be increasing. Countries may not be able to supply the sufficient number of peacekeeping troops, so this is a major problem within the united Nations.
Another big problem within the United Nations is the problem of gathering sufficient funds. The United Nations is funded from its countries within the United Nations, as well as from voluntary donations from other organizations. Although this seems like a sufficient amount of money, many of the countries within the United Nations are very behind on their payments. Many countries cannot afford to make their payments, so they are extremely late in making them. This leads to the United Nations not being able to complete some of its tasks, because it is not sufficiently funded.
The United Nations has many problems, which it should not have. The United Nations should be effectively doing its job, which it has not been doing very effectively. Considering the League of Nations did not do an effective job, the United Nations should be doing a better job at maintaining world peace. These problems within the United Nations need to be solved so the United Nations can do its job, and attempt to prevent any other major wars from occurring.