Sunday, September 17, 2017

Trump: Realism or Liberalism?

Caitlin Maloney
Trump: Realism or a Liberalism?
         When looking at the concepts within International Politics, further examining realism and liberalism can be a fascinating topic. Especially, when taking these concepts and applying them to real life, to see which better explains a current situation. When exploring President Trump’s international policies it is interesting to see if these plans are better explained by the concepts of realism or liberalism. As Trump has begun making changes in the United States’s international policies it seems as though he is falling into the space between realism and liberalism.
         During his campaign, many thought, and some feared, that President Trump would run the country as a realist. This was due to the ongoing rhetoric of “Make America Great Again” along with his motto of “America First.” This created the notion that Trump would be taking a realist stance, placing the United States before all other countries rather than sacrificing the country’s own interests for the benefit of other states. For example, since he has been in office he has made the choice to no longer support the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multi-country free-trade agreement, has had a great impact on America’s relationship with many countries.
         Additionally, during his campaign, Trump stated many actions that would add to this realist stance, such as renegotiating trade agreements to better suit the United States. This contributed to placing countries into competition and possible war with each other without having any concern about the situation. Along with this was he challenged military alliances to gain more income from their reliance on American protection. This was seen through his actions to not stop Japan and North Korea from going nuclear if they chose to rely less on the American strategic nuclear umbrella.
         While Trump largely appears to be acting through realism there are a few indicators of liberalism. Though he has dismantled several international agreements, since he has been in office, he has made a few new agreements that will benefit America and other states, including others not involved. This can be seen through Trump’s efforts to create a resolution to the Syrian Civil War by establishing a harmonious relationship with Russia. This will aid many countries in forging a solution to the conflict. Moreover, Trump has stepped in to help the nuclear situation with North Korea, as he would like Kim Jong Un to no longer be in power, along with dissolving North Korea’s nuclear weapons. This would come to benefit many, if not all, states as the potential of a nuclear war between North Korea and numerous states could be devastating for all of humanity.
         Overall, Trump appeared to be a realist through his campaign motto of “America First,” which had the world expecting actions that would simply suit America, rather than the benefit of other states. However, some of his recent statements have shown an interest in creating relationships that will do just the opposite. Yet, some of his actions thus far do not seem to be aligned with these thoughts. Thus, this combination of differing thoughts and actions have placed him into the gap between Realism and Liberalism.


  1. I agree with Caitlin for most of this post. Trump appeared to have a realist stance all through his campaign. He continuously said he would put "America First" always and had a grand message of making America great again. However, I would disagree with the last paragraph. I believe Donald Trump continues to have a realist perspective. He threatens the obliteration of North Korea, he increases military spending, and he destroys America's relation with its allies. Trump still has an overall realist stance and, if he continues with this, it will damage America.

    1. After moving forward with this course I agree that Trump has taken a realist stance, rather than attempting to be a liberal. I agree with your comment that he is pushing the military to physically protect America, rather than build relationships with allies.

  2. I also agree that Trump at the beginning of his campaign looked to greatly resemble a realist that was only looking out for the interests of the U.S., despite how it would affect any other countries. I do not really feel that he follows a liberal stance from an IR standpoint, considering that he openly threats other foreign nations. It would be better if Trump took more of a liberal standpoint, considering it would be better for the U.S. in terms of keeping a healthy relationship with other countries around the world.

    1. Kyle, I agree with your comment and have come to understand this topic better throughout the course, to see that Trump's actions align with a realist approach. He is significantly working to make America reign above all other countries through military efforts and war threats.

  3. I agree with Caitlin that especially in his campaign, Trump appeared to be a realist with concisely saying "America First" and putting the United States first. I don't think that there is anyone that is completely 100% Realist, Liberal, etc and that everyone have at least one thing that they disagree with. That being said they can be mostly one and lean mostly toward one side agreeing with most which is what I think Trump is. I can see how resolute the Syrian Civil War can be seen as him being liberal but you could also argue that he is only doing so to help America first more so than Syria or anywhere else. For North Korea's nuclear situation, I think there is nothing liberal of how he is trying to handle and get Kim Jong Un down from power. He is dealing with North Korea because they would affect us too, more than just Japan and nearby countries, and could lead to a WW3. If they really could fire then they would fire at the United States too since they made it clear how much they hate us. Trump dealing with North Korea is most likely for the United States benefit instead of trying to help everyone which it would but that isn't his main goal.

    1. Much like my comment to Rita, I have come to see that Trump definitely acts as a realist rather than a liberal. He is working to dominate other countries and push them out of competition with the United States, much like his attempts to get Kim Jong Un out of power.

  4. I agree with the fact that Trump did appear to be a realist during his campaign and hasn't done all realist things while being in office. I disagree with that your saying a little though because I think that every presidential candidate acts and seems a certain way while campaigning but once they are in office they act a different way. Obama was very much against the war during his campaign and said he would pull the troops out of Iraq but once he was in he didn't pull all the troops out and at points he sent more troops there. I think it's just hard to pinpoint a candidates beliefs and what they will do during the campaign because so many things can change once they are in office.
